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Click on the links for these useful resources which you can print out and use at home with your child.   

100 SQUARE- A 100 square is very useful for helping to build an understanding of the number system.  Also included in this download are 100 ideas for using it! 

NUMBER CARDS 1-100 - These number cards can be printed and cut up to form sets to play a wide variety of number games with.  At their simplest, they could be used for ordering numbers.  You might also include some number operation cards (+, -, x, ÷) to help practise mental calculation strategies. 

PLACE VALUE CHART (units to thousands) Place value charts are useful for identifying the position of each digit and what it is worth. 

Arrow Cards pdf  - Use these to build understanding of the value of each digit in a number by lining up the arrows.  These are most effective when each set (units, tens, hundreds...) are printed on different colour card. 

Multiplication flash cards - Use these to practise recall of times tables facts. 

Multiplication grid -Two multiplication grids are included; one completed and the other blank. The 1x, 2x, 5x and 10x tables are all shaded as these are the ones that most students tend to learn first. The completed grid can be used to support students who have difficulties with tables to enable them to learn new procedures.