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Who are we?

  • Clare Smith - Headteacher

  • Sarah Sienkiewicz –  Chair of Governors, Finance Link Governor and Health and Safety Link Governor. 

  • Rachel Robinson – SEND Link Governor.

  • Rachel Nutt – Vice Chair of Governors, Whistleblowing Governor, Pupil Premium link Governor, Sports Premium Link Governor,

  • Irena Laufikova - Parent Governor with responsibility as Safeguarding Link Governor. 

  • Anne Marie Wortley – Staff Governor, Catholic Life Link Governor and Wellbeing Champion. 

  • Father Sean Gough - Foundation Governor 

  • Brian Blanchfield

Clare Smith (Headteacher) - Sept 2014-Current

Having taught in secondary schools for over twenty years I did not expect to find myself as the headteacher of a primary school. Having made the move from BGN School in January 2014, I consider being the Headteacher of St Joseph's Catholic Primary School a huge privilege.

I am also a mother to two teenagers.

Sarah Sienkiewicz  Chair of Governors (Responsibility for Safeguarding, Marketing and PR, Sports Premium and Whistleblowing, member of Finance and Buildings Committee)

I'm a stay-at-home, working mum and my children are 10 and 12. I enjoyed fundraising for the school and so was a natural progression to contribute my skills on the governing board. I have 15 years experience as an Executive PA and Facilities and HR Co-Ordinator. I have been self-employed for the last 7 years as a Business Coach supporting clients with their Vision, Strategy, Marketing and Personal Development. In my free time I love being creative - I enjoy dancing, writing and making mixed-media collages.


Rachel Nutt -  I studied engineering and worked for two different firms in my early career before staying at home for a few years when my three children were very young. I also had a period of working part time for a local small bookkeeping business. In 2011, I trained to be a maths teacher and subsequently taught at Blessed George Napier School for ten years. My children, who are all young adults, went to BGN as well. Now I teach at a secondary school in north Oxford. In my free time I love to read books and I also enjoy hiking and cycling.

Irena Laufikova


Rachel RobinsonI have been a primary school teacher for 17 years, of which 8 have been in Catholic Schools. Furthermore, I have spent my teaching career teaching in schools in London. Prior to being a teacher, I worked in finance. I have three children and two grandchildren. In my free time I love reading historical novels and walking my dogs.  I feel privileged and honoured to be a member of the governing body at St. Joseph’s. 

Ann-Marie Wortley - I studied Archaeology at university and after graduating, worked in a series of jobs from community development projects in Peru, as a logistics officer for an international development agency, to a finance officer for a lettings company.  I finally got into teaching, completing my PGCE in 2008.  I have been a teacher for 14 years, working in schools in Oxford for 9 years, teaching in both KS1 and 2, leading subjects and working as an Assistant head for 3 years, before coming to St Joseph's as a Year 4 teacher.   I am now Deputy Head and incredibly proud to serve our wonderful school community. 


Father Sean Gough - I am from Walsall in the West Midlands. At 23, after completing a humanities degree, I applied to join seminary. After 7 years of training, one in Spain and six at Oscott College in Birmingham, I was ordained as a priest in St Chads Cathedral, Birmingham, in the year 2020. My first appointment was to Wolverhampton as a parish assistant priest and secondary school chaplain. I am now on my second appointment in the Banbury Catholic parishes as well as being chaplain to Blessed George Napier school. I really enjoy ministering to young people and am passionate about the Church’s mission to reach all people with the Good news of Jesus.

Brian Blanchfield - Having worked in the automative industry for 34 years and shorter engagements in the Civil Service and other organisations I am now retired.  I have lived in Banbury since 1992 and my three children were all educated in local Catholic schools.  I am honoured and privileged to serve as a governor at St. Joseph’s. 

The Pope Francis Catholic Multi Academy Company (PFMAC)

Our school is part of The Pope Francis Catholic Multi Academy Company (PFMAC), the family of Catholic schools in Oxfordshire, who work together to promote the teaching of Christ and the Catholic faith.  

We believe each person is a unique creation made in the image of and likeness of God, called by name, with a special vocation and gifts to bring to the world.  We seek to develop these talents in each individual by being a beacon for Catholic education in Oxfordshire. 

The Local Governing Body is entrusted, by the Board of Directors, with delegated authority within our school. Details of our responsibilities are laid out in the Scheme of Delegation.  

The Pope Francis Catholic Multi Academy Company is a company limited by guarantee and an exempt charity registered in England and Wales with company number 9113542 and registered address Addison Road, Banbury, Oxon, OX16 9DG. 

For more information about The Pope Francis Catholic Multi Academy Company please visit their website

Past Governor

Fran Jenkins - Term of office ending July 2022 Responsible for SEND

Mary Claire Hardie

Michael Robarts

Father Ryan


ECS Attendance 2021-2022 

LGB Members Attendance 2021-2022

STJ Attendance 2022-2023 

Declaration of Interest and Compliance 2025